
1)It is strongly recommended to use only the latest available SW. If not the latest, the SW compatibility between modem, beacon, and Dashboard SW is not guaranteed.

To update the SW on your devices:

  • Please, always use SW from the same pack: Dashboard SW + modem SW + beacon SW. Don't mix SW from different SW packages
  • Download the SW (see the links below: "Latest stable SW to download") on your hard drive
  • Connect beacon or modem via USB to your computer. Make sure that only one device (either modem or beacon) is connected via USB, while programming!
  • Run the Dashboard => Firmware => Choose the file => Program
  • After programming, which takes a few seconds, press the HW reset button on modem/beacon
  • To be on safe side, please, push the Default button in the Dashboard (bottom-right corner) while the device is still USB connected
  • Write down the beacon's number, because it will be used for waking up the beacon. Or you can change the beacon's address for your convenience, like shown here
  • Double-check in the Dashboard that (1) the modem/beacons contains now the expected version of the SW and (2) radio profiles of beacons and modems are the same
  • It is possible to update beacons' SW over radio interface from the Dashboard. It works pretty much the same way as via USB, but slower and depends on your radio profile settings

2) Some new SW versions bring very substantial changes to the internal protocols and become incompatible with previous SW version. Thus, always keep the same SW versions on all beacons. Also use only compatible versions of the modem and the Dashboard SW, since they come in a package (beacon SW + modem SW + Dashboard SW) and all shall support the same protocols.

Follow the instructions for DFU SW programming:, if DFU programming is needed. In normal mode, you would upload HEX files - not DFU files - to the boards and takes a few seconds per board (via USB) or 0.5-2 min per board via radio

3) Double-check that the beacon's address is the same after SW updating and radio settings of modem and beacons match (radio profile, first of all). Major changes in SW versions may lead to the device's address to be overwritten. If happened, use the Dashboard to assign the required address to the beacon again.

STM driver - required to connect beacons/modems to the Dashboard via USB. It needs to be installed only once on your Windows PC.

What is new:

  • New major feature for beta testing: IMU + ultrasonic sensor fusion. With update rate based purely on ultrasonic as low as 4Hz, you can get effective update rate of 100Hz from mobile beacon equipped with IMU thanks to the new sensor fusion feature. Expected update rate in future SW releases – 200Hz on the same HW
  • Notice, that IMU raw data protocol has changed. Also, notice that 100Hz location update is available only from the mobile beacon – not from the modem
  • Here is a Python code to extract 100Hz fast location update from mobile beacons via UART and virtual UART over USB
  • Code is in beta testing. So, your feedback is highly appreciated
  • General improvements and bug fixes